My Doctor My Drug Dealer: Based on a True Story


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SOCIETY NEEDS A WAKE-UP CALL Written for all the tens of thousands of doctors who write prescriptions, the pharmaceutical companies who create these concoctions and don't warn the public of their dangers, and the pharmacies that fill but have the right and oath to deny those quantities. Would you give one of your family members a medication you put on the market but wasn't honest about the serious addiction it carried with it? Written also for the insurance companies that approve payment without checking the interactions and/or questioning the massive quantities. For all of you that fall into the above categories, shame on you. You don't socially, morally, or ethically understand the full ramifications that addiction brings to society and the way it tears families apart. It's repulsive to think how you get away with fueling yourselves with greed. What happened to your oath for your patients? Doctors write prescriptions like the police write tickets all for the money! The trillions of dollars these companies make out of medications that cost pennies . . . Maybe they should be responsible to pay for people who need detox or rehabs and no financial means of getting help for a problem those companies created in the first place . . .