Hoodia Gordonii 2000mg
Natural Weight Loss
Appetite Suppressant
Increase Metabolism
Energy Booster
-Made in USA-
(2 Bottles, 120 Tablets)

What is Hoodia?

It is a succulent, fleshy cactus-like plant of the Asclepiad family, which is an original inhabitant of the Kalahari desert in Africa.

What does it do?

These supplements, because of their hoodia content, give the feeling of a full stomach and thus result in a loss of appetite. This, in turn, results in a lower intake of food, lower energy intake, utilization of the fat stored in the body and the subsequent loss of weight. Unlike many other weight-loss diet supplements, it is safer because it does not contain artificial stimulants. Its chemical composition resembles that of glucose or acts as pseudo-Glucose, but is far more powerful than glucose in its glucose-like behavior. They send the brain chemical signals that the stomach is full and that the body does not want any more food.


Hoodia Gordonii (powder) 2000mg

Serving Size: 2 Capsules
Servings per container: 30


Take one tablet twice daily, 30 minutes before meals with an 8oz glass of water.

natural weight loss - HOODIA GORDONII 2000mg 2 Bottles - dietary supplement