Polish mushroom (Boletus badius) The
Polish mushroom is a mushroom of the genus Moss. In some classifications, it - like the entire genus Mokhovik - is included in the genus Borovik. The Russian names for the mushroom are also brown mushroom, pan mushroom and chestnut moss.
The diameter of the cap is 4 -12 cm (up to 15 cm), the cap has a semicircular convex, later cushion and even flat shape. Color - chestnut brown, dark brown or chocolate brown.
The flesh is fleshy, dense, whitish or yellowish, in the cap the flesh on the cut turns slightly blue, then becomes light again, and the leg turns blue and then turns brown. The smell is pleasant, mushroom.
Leg 4-12 cm high and 1-4 cm thick, cylindrical, fibrous, light brown, brown or yellow color with reddish brown fibers, lighter above and below.

Edible, many mushroom pickers consider its quality to be very good. It is used in many mushroom dishes and is also suitable for drying and pickling.

Growing the Polish mushroom in the garden: in a dark place on an area of ​​2.5-3 m², make a 30 cm depression and fill with nutrient mixture.
- First layer: (lined at the bottom) fallen leaves, grass or wood bark (10 cm).
- The second layer: forest humus or soil from under trees (10 cm). Then evenly over the entire area scatter dry mycelium, previously mixed with 1 liter of dry soil. 
- Third layer: plant residues as in the first layer, but 3 cm thick.
- Fourth layer: garden soil (3-5 cm). After sowing, moisten by drip method.
The first mushrooms will appear in 1.5-2 months, then every 1-1.5 weeks.

Indoors they grow in the same way, only they are planted in boxes. Mycelium lives up to 5 years. You can grow it at any time of the year. Every year, in hot or cold seasons (when mushrooms do not grow), evenly sprinkle humus on top of the mushroom planting site at the rate of 15 kg / m².

Attention! A very important factor for the successful cultivation of mushrooms is the acidity of the soil. For the Polish mushroom, the optimal acidity value is Ph = 6.5 - 7. More acidic soil (the Ph number is less) should be sprayed with a quicklime solution (100 g of lime per 5 liters of water per 1 m²). 
Amateur mushroom cultivation does not give a guaranteed result, since the mushroom harvest is highly dependent on weather and many other factors. Nevertheless, if you get your hands on it, gain sufficient experience, and with a certain amount of diligence, you can count on good results.

The shelf life of the mycelium is 5-7 years. Store in a dry place. The date of manufacture is indicated on the packaging.