Save, restore, upgrade your Pioneer SX-1980 Top Of The Line (TOTL) monster receiver. The last of a generation.
For sale, a brand new power supply pcb, fully assembled, tested, including burn-in. This improved design addresses a number of reliability issues regarding the original design.
It is a double sided pcb, 2 oz. copper cladding, green solder-mask, silkscreen printing for component identification. All high quality parts from leading manufactures.
If you want to save $, have the time, necessary skills, tools, patiencelook for the un-populated blank pcb in another listing.
These are built to order. If you require, AWR-155, please notify when ordering.
AWR-154 is for 120VAC only models such as KC/KU/ and 120/240V S/SG sub models. 
AWR-155 is for European only 220/240VAC (HG)

What you will receive, when purchased
  1. One fully assembled, tested, pcb assembly that is the exact same size/dimensions as the original.
  2. GWR-106 and GWR-107 blank rectifier boards are now included free of charge
  3. A full set of printed documentation and notes. Link to electronic documents
  4. Support, if you need assistance, but please read the build guide first, if you purchase the item.
Note that this current revison A5 uses the uPC1237 protection chip, PA3004 is not supported anymore beacuse of the cost and obsolescence.