WARM CLOUD is a company dedicated to your comfort! There is something for everyone in our range of soft and pampering tub pillows. All you have to do is choose the one which is right for you and take some time for yourself in your bath or hot tub. Buy 2 and enjoy a romantic interlude with the one you love. CREATE YOUR INTIMATE HAVEN IN YOUR OWN BATHROOM Bring out the scented candles, dim the lights, put on your favorite music and run your bath. But wait… before you get in, place your WARM CLOUD bath pillow in the appropriate place… NOW you’re ready! SOFT, PAMPERING AND RELAXING Everything you need to help you relax at the end of a hectic day at work, with the kids and juggling your private life and your career. Now it’s your time so make the most of it! SUPPORTING YOUR BACK, NECK AND SHOULDERS Laying in your bath should be a luxury that anyone can enjoy but if your already aching body is uncomfortable against the hard bath then you’re just not going to reap the benefits. This springy, soft cushion supports your upper body so that the aches and pains are washed away with the bathwater and you are left feeling refreshed and relaxed. SIMPLE, COMFORTABLE AND THOROUGHLY ENJOYABLE The relaxation that this pillow provides you sets you up to enjoy your alone time. The result of using this pillow is an all-embracing feeling of pleasure which allows you to stay longer in the bath or tub providing you with better “me-time”. PLEASANT AND HYGIENIC So easy to maintain! Simply rinse and wipe dry. It dries quickly, never smells and is ready for you whenever you need it.