Children wants to learn about rocks/minerals. They want to know its physical properties like hardness, colour, fracture, cleavage, streak, luster, tenacity, specific gravity, feel properties, odur/taste, magnetic/non magnetic, acid reaction. This activity kit contains 20 types of rocks specimens, streak plate, glass plate, copper plate, iron plate, garnet board, knife, iron nail, magnet, hand lens, folded lens, acid drop bottle (Empty) with instruction manual, rocks / minerals worksheet & rocks / minerals crossword game chart all neatly packed in a compartment box. This collection contains 20 types of basic rocks specimens of igneous, sedimentary & metamorphic rocks types. The rock specimens include basalt, gabbro, granite, obsidian, pegmatite, pumice, anthracite, gneiss, marble, quartzite, serpentine, slate, chalk lumps, conglomerate, diatomite, flint, lime stone, rock salt, sand stone & shale. Specimen names change time to time without any notice for making variety or lack of stock. These Rocks & Minerals Collections used for Practical Knowledge of Rocks Specimens & Minerals Specimens.