red flower poppy new harvest for toothache and earache Kosher vegan additive for health

!!!!!!!! allowed to sell in the european union - does not contain substances harmful to human health !!!!!!!!!!!
                                           !!!!!!!!!!  new harvest 2022 -  oktober  !!!!!!!!!!!!!  
 handmade items ! ******************************************************** ‹(•?•)›‹(•?•)›‹(•?•)›‹(•?•)
NEW harvest ecologically clean environment Far from the factories and roads 
Kosher Health Energy = Kosher health energy

Poppy seed decoctions or alcohol infusions are used against coughs, upset stomach, insomnia and as a general sedative for overwork. (a tablespoon of decoction 3 times a day before meals).

Squeezed from green, unripe poppy heads and cooked, the juice is useful as a cure for pain, stress relief, and insomnia.

Adding honey to poppy seeds makes not only a healthy, but also a tasty remedy for coughs.

Cooked poppy seeds are a good remedy for toothache and earache (in the form of compresses).

In some cases, poppy seeds are used for worms, but they work particularly well as medicine for bronchitis.

Compresses made from crushed, steamed or fresh unripe poppy heads are useful for dislocations, joint diseases and swelling.

Poppies are also a great remedy for warts. In this case, crushed poppy leaves are used as a compress.