Battle of Britain

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There are few occasions in history when we can say that the actions of a few changed the destiny not just of a country - but of the world. The Battle of Britain is one of those moments. To mark the 70th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain, arguably the most important event in modern British history, brothers Colin and Ewan McGregor present a ninety minute special leading us through the timeline of events during the height of the Battle. Colin is an R.A.F veteran of twenty years' service - Ewan a hero of the big screen and fledgling pilot himself. Together they take us on a journey to honour the heroes of 1940 both on the ground and in the air, bringing the story of the Battle of Britain to a new generation. They will take to the skies over Southern England as Spitfires and Hurricanes once again fly over the White Cliffs of Dover. They discover the legacy of the Battle and reveal the inspiring personal stories of the few who were there and those still with us today.


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