These delightful nursery room thermometers look fantastic, as well as helping you keep your baby or child comfortable. 

They are easy to use, just place the room thermometer on the wall near your baby's cot (keeping it away from heat sources such as radiators, pipework or windows). You will then be able to check that your baby or child is sleeping in a room of the correct temperature, allowing you to adjust the temperature if the room is dangerously hot or uncomfortably cold and needs adjusting. 

Whilst the causes of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome are not known, The Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths (FSID) recommends that a child sleeps in room temperatures between 61°F (16°C) to 68°F (20°C) with the ideal temperature being 65°F (18°C). 

The FSID suggests the use of a simple room thermometer in rooms where your baby plays and sleeps