▓ Stock Ref: 41Q5

Compatibility lists are about the engine sizes do Not tell about other parts in the car, so please do not rely on them.


Land Rover Discovery 5 V MK5 L462 (2015 - 2022) SUV 

Descriptions & Specifications:

Genuine Land Rover Front Right Hand Side Wing (Fender) Plastic Trim
Part Number: HY32-280B10-AC
All Fixing Clip are intact
Made In The UK
Colour Code: n/a
Colour Name: High Gloss Black
This Sale is for ONE Trim Only
Fits both LHD & RHD Cars
Genuine Land Rover Part
Photos are for the actual item; therefore that is what you are going to receive unless it is multiple listing.
Condition: USED - All clips are intact, no damage or cracks. it may has for light scratches but nothing major.
Free Postage within United Kingdom only
The same day dispatch (cut off time 4:00 pm).