Bog Oak Gecko Wood Sculpture..

Jimmy Meaney works with whatever type of wood he can find, from bog oak thousands of years old to discarded pieces of mahogany. "The bog oak can be a very hard timber and difficult to work with but the finish you get from it is brilliant.

He works with the timber. He sees different things in different pieces. He gets his inspiration from the shape and what he try’s to do is bring out what's already there, to show that and highlight it, rather than force something from it that's not there. But of course, everybody sees something different.

Jimmy Meaney is a disabled artist who lost his right arm in a motorcycle accident in the 1980s. He also suffered from a brain tumour which was removed in early 2000s. After the recovery from his brain tumour, Jimmy developed a flair for wood carving and, has gone on to show many exhibitions of his work. Mainly in the Kilkenny arts festivals. One of his main exhibits was Solstice an outdoor exhibition of his work on a larger scale.