About Lens Categories
  • Lens category 0 (Fashion spectacles) Very low ability to reduce sun glare. Provide limited UV protection.
  • Lens category 1 (Fashion spectacles) Provide limited sun glare reduction and UV protection. Not suitable for driving at night.
  • Lens category 2 (Sunglasses) Provide a medium level of sun glare reduction and good UV protection.
  • Lens category 3 (Sunglasses) Provide a good level of UV protection. High levels of sun glare reduction.
  • Lens category 4 (Sunglasses) Special purpose sunglasses that provide a very high level of sun glare reduction and good UV protection. Lens category 4 sunglasses must not be used when driving at any time.

Lens Technology Information

  • Polarised Lenses have a special filter that blocks intense glare from flat surfaces such as roads, water and glass. They are great for driving, fishing or outdoor sports. You may however have difficulty viewing digital screens such as smartphones, tablets or nav systems.
  • Photochromatic Lenses will automatically darken when exposed to UV light.  They are often called transition lenses

Fitting and Adjustments

As sunglasses are manufactured to standard measurements, adjustments may be required depending on the individual. Please consult a professional optician who will be able to assist with adjustments.  In addition, the arms of some sunglasses may not sit level on a flat surface.  The manufacturer often makes them this way to allow the arms to fold flat in the case.


xTrend provides a warranty on all new sunglasses sold on defects in material and workmanship for one year from the date of purchase.

The warranty on sunglasses does not cover normal wear and tear and/or damage due to incorrect use.  Lens damage is considered normal wear and tear. The case, packaging or any other articles of limited resistance are not covered under this warranty.

All products we sell are sourced from authorised third parties worldwide for resale. All products are genuine, authentic and produced by the manufacturers described in each product listing. We are in no way affiliated with, endorsed by, authorised, sponsored or otherwise related to the manufacturers or distributors of products we sell.