2000 STRAWBERRY TEMPTATION SEEDS (Massive Bulk Value 2000+)

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With very good disease tolerance, a compact habit and superb flavour, Strawberry 'Temptation' is one of the best garden varieties to be introduced in recent years. The variety Strawberry “ Temptation” is one of the earlier fruiting varieties of strawberry, which is both long-lived, and a strong producer, which is sure to provide an extremely rewarding experience for any gardener. 

Strawberries need a spot with good air circulation. They are shallow rooted and will dry out really quickly in the wind, especially in hanging baskets (which is, incidentally, a great method of growing strawberries). They also do well in pots.

Package Includes: 

2000 x Premium Seeds of Strawberry "TEMPTATION"

2000 seeds = 2000 plants.

Growing Temptation Strawberries From Seeds

Use a seed tray to start them off in. Seedlings will do best in a very slightly acidic soil - mix in a small handful of ericaceous soil to your potting mix or compost to give them a fighting chance.
Tip: The seeds are more likely to germinate if they have been sat in the freezer for a week or two before being sown.

Sprinkle your seeds onto the soil and then lightly sprinkle a thin layer of sieved compost or potting mix over them - just enough to cover the seeds.

Moisten with water (a spray bottle works well) and allow to germinate on a windowsill or in daylight for anything up to a month. Keep the soil moist to the touch but not wet, and do not allow it to dry out or they will die quickly.


Once the seedlings have achieved a third leaf, you can carefully transplant them to pots. If the weather is good, they should be fine outside, otherwise keep them protected and harden them off once the weather improves.

If growing them in containers, strawberries tend to do well if they are planted in small communities, so use a large container and plant several together in an evenly spaced gathering. 

Pinch off the flowers
You want to allow them time to establish and become stronger, therefore during the first year, remove any flowers that the plant may produce.

How Long Does it Take to Grow  Strawberries?

Strawberries are one of the easiest fruits to grow, but you do have to have a little patience. And it is worth the wait to because home-grown giant strawberries are a really special treat. So long does it take to grow these  strawberries? Well it depends on quite a number of factors. These factors include the following:

  • What type of garden you are planting into.
  • The time of year in which you are planting your strawberries.
  • How well you have prepared your soil.

The combination of these factors means that these  strawberries can take anywhere from 3 to 5 months or longer.

Thank you.

You need to do your own research for successful germination. Advice provided is intended as a guide only and does not guarantee success. Seeds are live products that rely on many important factors such as grower skill, planting time, seed depth, soil type and weather conditions to grow. Germination is affected by many factors that are out of the control of the seller