What is Inositol

Inositol is sometimes referred to B8 but it is technically a sugar that is naturally found in cantaloupe and beans. It supports the balancing of hormones, sugar metabolism, egg quality and ovarian function. Many women take myo inositol to combat PCOS weight gain.  


Inositol Benefits

May reduce insulin resistance

May improve fertility in women with PCOS

May reduce symptoms of anxiety & depression

May reduce unwanted hair and acne

May stimulate ovulation

Inositol is one of the best fertility pills to get pregnant!

For the best results, it is recommended that you take 4 capsules daily.

Check out our other listings for all of your fertility needs from supplements to testing supplies!

About Us

Know You Wellness is company devoted to women that want to take charge of their fertility! If you want to get pregnant quickly you need to know your body well! We show you how to get in tune with your body and provide you the products and information you need to get pregnant, stay pregnant and have the best pregnancy ever!