A biography on the life and times of WWE Hall of Famer, Scott Hall. Hear from the man himself, Scott Hall, as he candidly discusses his rise to wrestling fame, his decline with personal demons, and his attempt to get his life back while training his son to carry on his wrestling legacy. “Living on a Razor’s Edge: The Scott Hall Story” will also feature a collection of Hall’s best matches and moments.

Say hello to ‘The Bad Guy!’ For the first time ever, WWE Home Video sits down with Scott Hall as he takes the WWE Universe on a very personal journey through his entire sports-entertainment career. From his meteoric rise in WWE as Razor Ramon, to being one of the founding members of the notorious group known as the nWo, to overcoming personal demons to become the man he is today, this story of redemption shows that ‘it ain’t how many times you go down, it’s how many times you get up.’

 Featuring matches with Shawn Michaels, Diesel, 1-2-3 Kid, Bret ‘Hit Man’ Hart, Rick ‘The Model’ Martel, Sting, Lex Luger, Chris Jericho, Goldberg, Stone Cold Steve Austin, and more!