Women’s Natural Tigerskin Jasper Bracelet

Tigerskin Jasper is also known as Woodlace Jasper & Wood Grain Jasper. It is the name given for a type of limestone with tan striped bands that create the appearance of petrified wood. Its opaque, rich brown tones of contrasting stripes & swirls against a golden base makes an earthy statement.

Since ancient times, Jasper has been valued & utilised for its strong healing & grounding powers. Almost every ancient civilisation harnessed & utilised the Jasper healing properties in some way. Worn by Shamans, Priests & Kings, this healing gemstone was considered sacred & a powerful protection aid.

Jaspers are the nurturers, the healers & the spirit stones of courage & wisdom. They all carry a strong connection to the Earth’s energy, making the Jasper healing properties very beneficial for grounding, stability & strength. Every Jasper meaning is unique & special, depending on the type of Jasper you possess.

Tigerskin Jasper takes us out of our heads & puts us back into our bodies, giving a whole new meaning to the expressions “hold that tiger!” or having “a tiger in your tank!” It helps us to draw from its animal nature when we need that additional power or kick… It tells us that life isn’t just about thinking or analysing things but rather about living in the moment & celebrating the present.

Use this stone to strengthen courage & improve bravery on your journey.


- Standard Women’s Size 7”

- (Please contact for alternative sizing)

- Natural Tigerskin Beads

- Quality Beadsmith Elastic

- Info Print & Gift Bag

- As Featured on Instagram @katauras

Handmade with love & light

Kate x

Reiki Master

Owner of Katauras