Quantumdata 881 video test generator. Stan: "Uywany".

Quantum Data 881 HDMI Video generator TheQuantum Data881HDMI video test generator has been specifically developed specifically for R&D, compliance testing and production. The video generator 881 is equipped with an HDMI 1.3 chipset that allows you to generate full color (12-bit) images up to a pixel clock frequency of 225MHz. In addition, the same output is used for TMDS (single link DVI) test images with a pixel clock of 165MHz. With the Quantum Data 881 you also have the possibility to view infoframes. In addition, the Pixel Repetition and Active format descriptor are standard on this unit. VERSATILE HDMI VIDEO GENERATOR In addition to the HDMI output, this video generator also has some options including an HDMI analyzer option, an analog video output option, an auxiliary analyzer option and a CEC interactive troubleshooting environment option.All standard TV formats and PC formats are pre-programmed (>200 formats), but if you need a different format, this can easily be created with the format editor. This also applies to the test images. By default these are already more than 200, but you also have the option to create your own images in a BMP, JPEG or PNG format.Control can be controlled via the RS232, GPIB or LAN interface.

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