"On The Way to Giverny"
Artist: William Benecke

Original Watercolor
Painting Size: 6.5"x 26.5"
Framed: no
Mat: no
Listed Artist:  William Benecke
William Benecke was born in November 1934 in Chicago, Illinois and passed away in 2001.  His formal art training was at the Art Institute of Chicago and first worked as an illustrator for several of the major studios in Chicago.
He also worked as a staff illustrator for the
Chicago Tribune and the Sun Times.
He moved to Mexico at age 24.
and lived there for ten years.
While in Mexico he painted & had his own gallery.
Studying and sketching trips in the 70's and 80's put him in touch with Paris, Strasbourg, Venice, Cote d'Azur and the chateau region of the Loire Valley.
Upon returning to the Midwest, Benecke found time to paint the vistas of Chicago.
Benecke's images are known and
appreciated all over the world.

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