Vuë de la Place Neuve de Louis XV

(Paris - Place de la Concorde)


Es handelt sich hierbei um ein originales, altkoloriertes Kupferstich-Guckkastenblatt von F.B. Leizelt aus dem Jahr 1772.

English description:

A rare, original and very decorative engraving of the Place de la Concorde in Paris. This genuine copper engraving was published by Balthasar Friedrich Leizelt in 1772. It shows the newly designed Place de la Concorde ("Place Neuve") in 1772. The engraving measures ca. 25 x 39 cm (platesize) and is in good condition. There is some partly browning of the paper due to age.   

 - - - International buyers welcome. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. - - -

Für die Suchmaschine: view map engraving
---  Auf Wunsch stellen wir Ihnen gerne ein kostenfreies Echtheitszertifikat aus  ---
---  If you wish, we will gladly provide a certificate of authenticity free of charge  ---
