Introduced by Simon Callow, this new translation of Les Parents Terribles is published alongside the 1994 Royal National Theatre production. "Truly wicked fun … Yvonne, George and Leonie, respectively the semi-invalid mother, mad inventor father, and austere auntie of Michael, a rambunctious young man, all share a chaotic Paris flat together as well as some unsavory affections. Yvonne is totally consumed with her handsome son, who expresses his reciprocal fondness … Icy Leonie still burns for George, who jilted her for Yvonne. As far as George, well, Yvonne's neglect has forced him to look elsewhere for comfort. The dirty laundry starts to fly when Michael reveals he wants to marry a charming girl named Madeline. Even as Yvonne storms about in a green-eyed fury, George discovers that Michael's intended is his own secret mistress. Cuckolded by his unaware son, George enlists Leonie's aid in quashing the match … How's that for a first act? And there're two more crazyhouse acts to go before Indiscretions careens to its conclusion. Think of Indiscretions as a French bon-bon laced with forbidden goodies, not the least of which is the perverse hilarity of Jeremy Sams' translation." (The Star Ledger) 

This book is an English translation.  Les Parents Terribles is a 1938 French play written by Jean Cocteau. Despite initial problems with censorship, it was revived on the French stage several times after its original production.  English-language versions have been produced under various titles including Intimate Relations and Indiscretions.