This amazing orgonite is carefully handcrafted and designed to help you tap into your inner strength, promote healing, and provide protection from negative energy. Featuring a beautiful unicorn design, this orgonite is a unique and eye-catching addition to any space.

Orgonite is a powerful tool for transmuting negative energy into positive energy. It's made from a combination of resin, metal shavings, and crystals, which work together to create a healing energy field. This orgonite is made with a mix of high-quality gemstones, including crystal quartz, amethyst, and rose quartz, as well as steel and copper shavings.

Crystal quartz is known for its ability to amplify energy, making it a great addition to any orgonite. Amethyst is a calming and protective stone that can help with emotional balance and spiritual awareness. Rose quartz is a stone of love and compassion, promoting empathy and forgiveness.

In addition to promoting strength, healing, and protection, this orgonite is also a beautiful piece of decorative art. The unicorn design is carefully crafted and painted with non-toxic acrylic paint.

This orgonite is perfect for placing on a desk, nightstand, or other small surface. Many people find that orgonite helps them sleep better, feel more grounded, and reduce stress.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to own this one-of-a-kind unicorn orgonite. Order yours today and experience the benefits of orgonite for yourself!