Phoenix Roebelenii 

 Dwarf Date Palm

Phoenix roebelenii makes for a striking statement indoor plant that exudes warm and exotic character within a home environment.
A glamourous, unforgettable South East Asian palm that boasts a slim trunk and arching crown of lush feathery fronds.
If slowly acclimatised to full sun, Phoenix roebelenii enjoys a spell outside during the frost free months.
A much loved plant, the Dwarf Date Palm is the perfect miniature palm tree that reaches 1,5/ 2 meters indoor.
It produces its first fruits after 6/7 years.


Soak the seeds in water for three days.
Mix the seeds with moist soil (not wet) and close them in a zip lock plastic bag.
Leave in the dark at a temperature of 28/32°C - 82/89°F using a propagator in cold periods.
Once the seed has sprouted you can put it in the pot.
Germination in 4/12 weeks