Hartk1213 toolhead PCB for Voron 3D printers. There are two versions available for purchase. Both assembled and include mating connectors / cable crimps.

$18.95 1-Piece (standard) - connect everything to a single PCB. Simpler version.

$24.59 2-Piece (split) - hotend & part cooling fans are split to a second PCB, which allow them to be easily removed from extruder for maintenance. Please the split version may need some finessing to get 2 pieces aligned properly. It is best to keep PCB mounting screws loose until you get a good alignment.

+$5 LED diffuser (2 pk) - add [c]_stealthburner_LED_diffuser.stl to your PCB order for $5. The diffuser is printed in clear resin and coated with UVLS. It offers much better clarity and uniform transparency than filament.

You can watch how 2-Piece version work here https://github.com/hartk1213/MISC/blob/main/PCBs/Stealthburner_Toolhead_PCB/Images/Video/1.mp4