Welcome to our eBay Listing - Buy the best on eBay!

Unlike most sellers on eBay we manufacture in the UK with industrial quality lasers, using the leading materials to provide the most professional, long lasting,rubber stamps available, using genuine Trodat stamps and laser rubber.

Please contact us if you would like another badge on your stamp.

Trodat 4912 Self Inking Stamp

46mm x 18mm

High resolution 1200 dpit laser engraved

Part of the carbon neutral range of rubber stamps

Genuine Trodat Stamps and Ink

Genuine Trodat laser rubber

Made & Shipped from Devon, UK.

We only use genuine Trodat materials and can provide all the range of sizes and shapes, offering you a range of high qualtiy self inking and professional stamping products.

As we manufacture, design and laser in house, we can provide any design required to fit any Trodat product, please use the eBay messaging feature or see our email in contact details below.

Please visit our store for our ever growing range of professional laser engraved poducts.

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