Indian Black Beauty Brinjal Eggplant Seeds 
500 Seeds - BULK VALUE

The Indian Black Beauty Brinjal Eggplant is a tender and tasty vegetable-fruit. More than 100 years old, this variety is a plant with a very dark purple skin measuring about 14 cm long.  This plant has the advantage of being very resistant to diseases.

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How To Grow Eggplant Seeds: Indian Brinjal Aubergin

I recommend soaking your seeds in water for up to 24 hours.  This can increase the amount of egg plant seeds that germinate and how quickly they sprout.  Use organic potting soil if you are seed-starting indoors or in small containers to be transplanted outside.  Sow eggplant seed ¼ to ½ inch deep spaced 4 to 5 inches apart.

Thin plants to 6 inches apart if the weather does not allow transplanting before plants grow 5 to 6 inches tall.  Set eggplants into the garden 18 to 24 inches apart. Space rows 24 to 36 inches apart.

Tips for Growing Eggplant:

Do not over water or allow the soil to dry out. Once the soil has warmed, mulch around eggplants to retain soil moisture and an even growing temperature. Egg plants are heavy feeders prepare planting beds with aged compost and side dress eggplants with compost tea every 2 or 3 weeks during until the fruit has set. vegatables.
Eggplant is easily grown in containers. Plants will grow in pots at least 12 inches across and as deep. Choose a smaller growing variety.

Eggplant is considered a "heavy feeder" so it is a good idea to add homemade compost and/or organic soil amendments to your garden prior to planting.

Thank you.

Please note we are selling the seeds, not the plant.

You need to do your own research for successful germination. Advice provided is intended as a guide only and does not guarantee success. Seeds are live products that rely on many important factors such as grower skill, planting time, seed depth, soil type and weather conditions to grow. Germination is affected by many factors that are out of the control of the seller.