Karen Grant visits the home of a young mutant named Chelsea Pleasant in hopes of bringing her under her guidance and protection. However, Chelsea's father instead murders her in her sleep.  Valerie Cooper addresses the media regarding the recently released news about Mutants being man-made through an American-funded lab based in Canada via experiments on the subject known as Wolverine. She states that conditions within the Mutant Internment Camps are good and, in some cases, a step-up for some of the inmates compared to their lives before being detained. Jimmy Hudson, hearing the news about his biological father, decides to abandon both Liz Allan and Derek Morgan and travel to Canada to investigate further.  As the President of the United States also watches the conference, he converses with Nick Fury about the situation involving Mutants and riots as a result of the released news. They are interrupted by Quicksilver, who offers his assistance to the President, against Fury's better judgement.  Meanwhile, Rogue is being hunted by a Nimrod Model Sentinel, the government's newly created Mutant-hunting machines. The story makes it's way to the Daily Bugle website where Bobby discovers it through his internet-enabled device. Both he and Johnny convince Kitty that they need to rescue her.

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