300 Multi-Colored Rock Cress Seeds Creeping Thyme Seed Thymus Serpyllum Organic
Name: Creeping Thyme Seeds
Quantity: 300 PCS
Thyme Purple Creeping is a creeping, broad-leaved variety with long trailing branches, rooting where they touch the ground. It is suitable for rock gardens, between paving stones or as groundcover. Its stems rise only 10cm high and are topped through summer with rose pink flowers. It also has many medicinal uses.
Best sown in plug trays and transplanted when it reaches 2-4 true leaf stage. Space at up to 20 plants or clumps per square metre.

How to Grow Rock Cress Plants:

Growing Rock Cress plants is easy. Grow Rock Cress in full sun. Plants will tolerate a light or partial shade. They will do well in fair to poor soils, with a neutral to slightly alkaline pH. Sandy, loam, or clay soil is fine. It should be loose, well draining. Keep soil moist during germination.

Rock Cress likes slightly dry soil. Water only during the hottest, driest period of summer. Add a general purpose, high nitrogen fertilizer when first planting, to help them to get a good start. Add a high Phosphorous fertilizer just before blooming.

Rock Cress will bloom in the spring of the second year after planting, and every year afterward. (They are worth the wait!) Prune plant and remove dead flowers after blooms have died, to give the plant a clean, healthy look, and to promote new plant growth.

Rock Cress plants are hardy, and will survive light frosts before going dormant for the winter months. 
