Of Interest To Old Fishing Tackle Collectors. A Mail Order Catalogue Of 1989.

The last such catalogue produced by the vintage tackle shop in Shrewsbury. 112 pages long. Printed in tiny 15 characters per inch script and printed using a photo copier with the usual smears and smudges.

The catalogue was never actually sent out because postage was £5 and the proprietor Chris Partington didn’t think it was worth it.

He says,a rather stupid competitor in the business had told the customers where we bought all the stock,at public auction and was telling everyone where each auction was being held so that he could bid on items on their behalf for a commission. Such a dumb move. The clients bought direct from the auctions as they do now,33 years later,cutting out the dealer.

The end was in sight for the Mail order business. Chris got out,he says.

The catalogue is like a history book. There’s a fly fishing outfit in it for £15,000.

Old fishing reels up to £12000. In 1989!