White Star Line - unusual Lot of Negatives From Ships Included Titanic Olympic Britannic.

Box included :

8 small brown enveloppes with negatives from Arabic, Britannic, Ceramic, Georgic, Homeric, Langarth, oceanic and Suevic

12 brown enveloppes with negatives from Adriatic, Albertic, Afric, Britannic, Georgic, Germanic, Ionic, Laurentic, Magnetic, Oceanic, Teuntonic + Majestic

20 white enveloppes with negatives from Athenic, britannic, Caledonia + Majestic, Celtic, cufic + Gaelic, cymric, Delphic + Runic, Gallic + Coptic, Georgic, Gothic, laurentic, majestic, Medic, Persic, Pittsburgh, Republic, romanic, runic, Taunic,

32 transparent enveloppes with negatives from ADRIATIC, Albertic, Baltic, Belgic, Bovic, Britannic, calgaric, canopic, Cedric, Celtic, ceramic, cymric, Doric, georgic, laurentic, medic, megantic, persic, Olympic, Regina, republic, runic, Teutonic, titanic, zealandic

6 photograhs of : Albertic, Afric, Arabic (1903), Arabic (1908), Cedric and Georgic