1. .What should I use extra virgin coconut oil for?

You can use our organic coconut oil for many things, some of which are listed here:

Fantastic for moisturising skin, pure coconut oil can be used to create an amazing skin treatment at home

Sensitive skins benefit from the moisture-rich properties of this extra virgin coconut oil

Skin treatments created from our unrefined coconut oil can be used to help reduce the appearance of stretch marks and scars

Pure, organic coconut oil is renowned for it's hair conditioning qualities.

Most cosmetics include pure coconut oil as it is natural and fantastic in body butters, soap, scrubs and lotions

Coconut oil makes a fantastic carrier oil or massage oil.

Those with excema or psoriasis can find unrefined coconut oil very soothing for the skin

Organic coconut oil can aid in tanning and coconut oil can also help to protect the skin against the harmful affects of the sun's rays.

Cooking and baking - extra virgin coconut oil is a delicious and tasty oil to use!