Happyland Royal Wedding set. Remembering a happier occasion.

You have to look carefully to see what makes this set so special. Yes it is a toy but it is also a replica of the day.

Look at the lace detail on Kates dress. Look at the extra detailing on William’s bright red jacket. And most importantly look at what her late Majesty is wearing. Her lovely yellow outfit and matching hat. I have never seen another set like it. I have never seen her wear anything other than a crown.

Includes Kate, William, grenadier guard, mounted lifeguard, carriage, corgi and the late Queen and duke of Edinburgh.

Fantastic souvenir. If you are looking for any royal wedding set it has to be this one. The cuteness is off the scale.

This set is so special it DOESNT EVEN MATCH THE BOX. You really need to inspect the contents to see what you will get.

Please note the box has experienced some damage.