Join Stella, the star loving dog, as she takes an adventure through the night sky. On this adventure, Stella helps kids learn about the Moon and the Moon phases.

>Suzie Dills has shared her love of astronomy with people of all ages for nearly two decades! She created Stella's Starry Adventures so kids could learn to find seasonal constellations at home and learn about the Moon, with her lovable dog Stella as their guide! 

She is currently the Planetarium Director at the Hoover-Price Planetarium in Canton, Ohio and has provided night sky programs for thousands of people. Suzie created as a fun and easy way for people to head out in their own backyard and learn the night sky. 

Every month Suzie creates simple to read star maps, illustrations, a night sky write-up and an audio night sky tour. She created and produced Adventures Thru The Stars, a monthly night sky highlight community program which won the Philo T. Farnsworth Award for excellence in community programming. 

Suzie also provides astronomy programs with her Starry Trails Starlab, a portable planetarium, and telescope star parties. She volunteers for Girl Scouts of Northeast Ohio and was instrumental in constructing two observatories with state-of-the-art telescopes at Girl Scout camps. Suzie writes monthly astronomy articles for the Canton Repository and Akron Beacon Journal. Suzie loves to inspire folks to head out and enjoy the night sky and for kids to love science!