Actual pictures. 

The K1811 series microprocessor chipset, made using MIS technology, is designed to build high-performance 16-bit microcomputers programmatically compatible with the Elektronika 60 series of computers. High-performance microcomputers that are widely used in various areas of the national economy: production and process control, data collection and processing, solving scientific, technical and economic and statistical problems, engineering and design calculations, real-time modeling and control of objects and etc.

KN1811VM1 - Data processing
KN1811VU1 - Control of the central processor
KM1811BT1 - Memory Manager
KN1811VUZ - Microprogram control of a microcomputer with an extended set of commands

The microprocessor set of the K1811 series is the basis for the construction of the Elektronika MS 1211 and Elektronika MS 1212 microcomputers, it includes five microcircuits made using nMOS technology with a command system similar to the Elektronika-60 microcomputer. A feature of the kit is an extended set of commands (135 instead of 72 for the Elektronika-60 microcomputer), 256 KByte memory addressing, with the possibility of expanding the address space up to 4 MB, the possibility of increasing the microprogram memory and expanding the command set.

The kit includes:
KN1811VM1 - processor data processing circuit; analog DEC302F
KN1811VU1 - processor control circuit (implements the command system of the Elektronika-60 microcomputer); analog DEC303A
KN1811VU2 - scheme for implementing floating point operations; analog DEC303D
KN1811VU3 - microprogram control circuit (implements the expansion of the instruction set); analog DEC303D
KM(KR)1811VT1 - memory manager, analogue of DEC304E; in composition and functions it is similar to the memory manager block of the K1801VM3 processor

Together, the chips of the kit surpass the K1801VM3 processor in terms of their functionality, but they are somewhat inferior, however, in performance. Independent execution of individual modules of the system provides greater flexibility and more efficient use in controllers and microcomputers of the widest range.
Microcircuits were used together, either as part of MK1, or in the form of unnamed "halves". The "half" simply does not include firmware for processing floating-point commands (KN1811VU2 and KN1811VU3).