Vintage German Sarouk style rug

Vintage red German rug in traditional Persian Sarouk design. The rug has been made in the end of 20th century, it is in original good condition. The rug is machine made.

-condition: original good,

-circa: 1970s,

-size: 1.3' x 2' (42cm x 64cm),

-material: wool,

-country of origin: Germany,

-style: Sarouk,

-background colors: red, navy blue, beige, olive green.

One Royal Art

We usually ship our items in 3-5 days from the day of purchase and use International Service of French National Postal office ( Shippint usually takes from 5 to 10 days). Some of our rugs are represented in New York Gallaries and for those items shipping might take a little longer then usual.