Crime Scene Handscope, Finger print, blood detection.

I do not have detailed personal knowledge of how to use this hand scope, but based on my research it is a tool used on crime scenes and in crime laboratories to help identify fingerprints, blood, bone fragments, gunshot residue, and other bodily fluids. This appears to be a slightly older type of model, and I believe it uses a xenon bulb. Below is a description from one manufacturers website about hand scopes, but I cannot guarantee that all information is perfectly relevant for this item. I have powered it on and cycled the two wheels which change the color of the light, and it seems to be in perfect working condition.

“Product Description

What is a Forensic Light Source?

A forensic light source is a crime scene investigator’s and lab technician’s tool for enhancing observation, photography and collection of evidence including latent fingerprints, body fluids, hair and fibers, bruises, bite marks, wound patterns, shoe and foot imprints, gun shot residues, drug traces, questioned documents, bone fragment detection, etc. It provides more sensitivity than traditional methods thus increasing the amount of evidence uncovered and the quality of the evidence photographed and collected.

A forensic light source is made up of a powerful lamp containing the ultra-violet, visible and infrared components of light. It then filters down the light into individual color bands (wavelengths) that enhance the visualization of evidence by light interaction techniques including fluorescence (evidence glows), absorption (evidence darkens), and oblique lighting (small particle evidence revealed).

Utilizing forensic light source techniques allows the latent print to be detected with much more sensitivity (10-100 times more!) than the conventional method of black powder dusting and lifting.”