crafter electric guitar (BLACK CRAFTER).

Heavy guitar weighing 3.6 kg 43.5 mm body. Good quality instrument all the electrics work Neck is straight the action is low. It is an old guitar and the strings are tarnished. It has come from a music shop display somewhere. It is plugged in all the electrics work on the art dings on the body. If this bothers you please leave it it is a used instrument. There is virtually no fret wear. Which means it has most likely been in storage somewhere for a long time. Possibly use that first and then discarded for many years! If you had to purchase a neck like this with good quality machine heads you would probably pay about £125 just for the neck! This guitar is better quality than a modern lightweight one. It is £85. Sounds a bargain to me

Ideal for personal learning. In fact it would be good for a professional person as a spare guitar to pick up doing a gig if a string breaks.

No returns please. We have plugged it in on all the electrics work comes Guitar only as we have received it. The guitar is most likely from the 90s.

Good quality well-made guitar at a great price!

Mail order only we don’t do collections.

Offers will be ignored.