Jack Saver Instructions

Insert the Jack Saver into any ¼ inch “guitar” jack.

Turn the Jack Saver clockwise and counterclockwise.

If the Jack Saver doesn’t want to turn in one direction, DON’T FORCE IT!

In geometry class kids are taught that a line that is tangent to a circle only touches that circle at one point.  This applies to many plug/jack combinations because the plug is round but the parts in the jack are flat.  The round plug touches the flat parts inside the jack at only one point. If that point gets dirty or builds up oxidation the connection becomes noisy and intermittent.  The Jack Saver is flexible and when turned actually erases the surface of the parts inside the jack. Electronic technicians regularly use an erasure to clean contacts in relays and switches.  Now you have a convenient, transportable and effective tool that will keep your ¼ inch jacks clean and ready for action.  


Warning:  Please keep the Jack Saver away from small children.  

A small child could choke on the Jack Saver if he or she tries to ingest it.