Feeling unmotivated? Motivation Rescue Inhaler is a discreet way to get that pick-me-up and reignite your motivation.

A lack of motivation can be from many things:

- stress from work or relationships
- feeling overwhelmed and unappreciated
- feelings of anxiety or depression

The Motivation Rescue Inhaler is a portable use anywhere vaporiser that will allow you to discreetly take control mentally of any situation that is causing you stress or anxiety.

A proprietary blend of 100% essential oils: Rosemary, Peppermint, Lime, Basil, Ginger, Frankincense

Made in Australia.
Made to order.
Vegan friendly.
Chemical free.
100% natural.
Recyclable and reusable packaging.
Not tested on animals.

Always contact your medical practitioner if uncertain of your health condition before using products containing essential oils.
Do not ingest.

Aromatherapy is the art of using essential oils to bala