
Uni-President Gold Instant Noodle 統一 滿漢大餐 Gold熗牛肉麵 / Gold金牛肉麵 (Flavors Select) #


滿漢大餐Gold熗牛肉麵 (Red Bowl): Beef Noodle with Chili Oil
滿漢大餐Gold金牛肉麵 (Black Bowl): Beef Noodle with Capsicum Chinense


How to cook


1. Put noodle and sauce in a bowl then pour boiling water until cover the noodle (adjust sauce amount as personal favor).

2. Cover the bowl and wait for about 4.5 minutes (depends on personal favor).   


3. Mix well and serve.


Item Spec.
  • Brand:統一 滿漢大餐 Uni-President
  • Country/Region of Manufacture:Taiwan
  • Expiration Date:expiration date is 6 months from the date printed
  • Product:Prepared Noodle