Venus Summer Shape Up 60 days to your best swimsuit body book exercise diet.

In clear and simple language, the Venus Shape Up program provides the reader with the information and tools needed to change their bodies and change their lives. Our program is simple and one of the greatest benefits is that you don't have to count calories. We know the secrets of the professional swimwear models and we share those secrets with you. * Learn how to raise your basal metabolic rate so that you can eat MORE food and still lose weight. * Learn why all calories are NOT created equal. * Read interview with actual Venus models. See in their own words how they get in shape for a photo shoot. * Learn why your past diets have failed, and why this one will be successful. * Understand why crash diets always lead to a rebound and, ultimately, to weight gain. * Learn why doing aerobics alone will seldom work in the long run for diet and fitness success. * Learn how to handle a weight loss plateau. * Understand how muscle controls your metabolism and how your metabolism does not have to slow down as you become older. * Find out which foods you should NEVER eat because they are toxic to your body. If you want that beach-ready body, the Venus Summer Shape Up is the best book on the market to help you accomplish that goal. We even give you a "Free Day" that allows you to enjoy your favorite foods in moderation. Too many times, women become discouraged because results don't happen as quickly as they would like. We explain why this happens and why you shouldn't give up. It WILL happen. And it will happen for you. We'll see you at the BEACH!