Piers-Harris 2 Self-Concept Scale

The Piers-Harris Children's Self-Concept Scale–Second Edition (PHCSCS-2), one of the most widely used measures of psychological health in children and teens, is now available in a new second edition. Like the original scale, the PHCSCS-2 quickly identifies youngsters who need further testing or treatment. And now it offers and expanded age range, reduced length, improved interpretive guidelines, a larger, more diverse standardization sample, and updated computer assessment. Based on the child's perceptions rather than on the observations of parents or teachers, the PHCSCS-2 assesses self-concept in individuals 7 to 18 years of age. It is now composed of 60 (rather than 80) items covering six subscales: Physical Appearance and Attributes Freedom from Anxiety Intellectual and School Status Behavioral Adjustment Happiness and Satisfaction Popularity In addition, two validity scales identify inconsistent responding and a tendency to answer without regard to item content.