Rated electrical data

Glow voltage, V 6.3
Voltage at the anode, V 600
Voltage on the second grid, V 300
The bias voltage on the first grid, V -20
Current of heating, mA 900 + -90
The current in the anode circuit at the bias voltage on the first grid is -20 V, mA 100
Current in the anode circuit at the bias voltage on the first grid -29 V, mA 36
The current in the circuit of the second grid at the bias voltage on the first grid is -20 V, mA 20
Current in the circuit of the second grid at the bias voltage on the first grid -29 V, mA 4
Steepness of the characteristic, mA / V 10
The steepness of the characteristic at the anode voltage and the second 250 V grid and the bias voltage on the first grid is -14 V, mA / V 5.9
Output power in the mode of generation at the frequency of 120 MHz, W 40
The output power at a frequency of 15 MHz at anode current is not more than 100 mA, the current of the first grid is about 6 mA, the voltage on the second grid is 200 V and the resistance in the circuit of the first grid is 10 kΩ, W 33
Insulation resistance between cathode and heater at voltage between cathode and heater 200 V, MΩ 2
Maximum permissible electrical quantities
Maximum heating voltage, V 7.0
The least heated voltage, V 5.7
The highest voltage at the anode, V 600
The greatest stress on the second grid, B 300
The greatest voltage at the anode in the pulse, V 6000
The greatest negative voltage on the first grid in the pulse, B 400
The greatest voltage between the cathode and the heater, B 135
The largest power dissipated at the anode, W 25
The greatest power dissipated on the second grid, W 3.5
The greatest resistance in the circuit of the first grid, MOhm
The beam tetrode G-807 is designed to amplify and generate high-frequency oscillations.
It is used in transmitting devices, as well as in cascades of horizontal scanning of television receivers. Power can be used in the end cascades of low-frequency power.
Oxide indirect oxide cathode.
Works in any position. Produced in a glass design. Service life is not less than 500 hours.
Special plinth. Pins 5.