Original oil painting on canvas, house in Mishkenot Sha'ananim, Jerusalem

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Yair Ozeri Founder and CEO

And under the supervision and guidance of Dr. Yechiel Zeitkin, 

an expert in the study of ancient Torah scrolls and Hebrew manuscripts

Sales, Retention & Consulting


We offer Torah scrolls and relics intended for use in synagogues, and those selected for collectors and research. These offerings come from successful efforts at restoring Torah scrolls, religious artifacts, and Jewish art. 

 The restoration process is based on professional and halakhic experience, which gives respect and value to the artifacts for future generations.  It provides for the preservation of thousands of years of tradition, reflected in all the Jewish communities around the world.

We will be happy for you to join our many satisfied customers from around the globe, and connect to the glorious history of the Jewish people

TIFARA  Jewish relics and art

Sales retention consulting

Directed by Yair Ozeri

Jewish Religious Scribe and an artist

20 years of experience

Preservation of appreciation and sale

Of new and ancient relics

And glorious Jewish art

"Glorify and exalt the house of God"