These one of a kind wrist bands are available in 4 sizes:

Small - 160mm / 16 cm / 6.2" in -- great for children!

Medium - 180mm / 18 cm / 7" in 

Large - 190mm / 19 cm / 7.5" in 

X-Large - 202mm / 20.2 cm / 7.9 " in 

Waterproof | Life-time Quality | Glow-in-the-Dark | Stretchable | Comfortable

Throughout the history of human civilization on planet Earth, no one has been as contagious as Muhammad (S). 


As promised, over time, his actions, advice, and mannerisms resonate within believers around the world. His legacy solidified after encounters with arch-angel Jibrell/Gabriel and the early believers. The first believer was a female by the name of Khadija (R)


The messages and teachings (Quran and Sunnah) of Muhammad (S) aimed to:

-    Elevate & uphold morality

-    Provide means of attaining God-nearness

-    Methods to revive the relationship with our Creator

-    Find salvation in the Most Merciful, Allah (SAW)


His messages were like those of Noah (R), Moses (R), Abraham (R), Jesus (R), and others, may God be pleased with them. Primarily to focus and trust in One God. Muhammad (S) is specific to the Ummah/Muslims through the establishment of 5 pillars:

  1. Prayer (Salah)     to God - Directly
  2. Fasting (Sacrificing desires as an attestation to faith
  3. Charity/Zakat for societal empowerment. 
  4. Hajj. If gifted with the ability and invitation, to visit the holiest place on Earth, and pay respect to the Kaaba, initially built by Abraham (R) and Ismael (R) as a prophetic testament of monotheistic faith.
  5. Shahada/to bear witness that nothing exists without Allah, and that Muhammad (S) is truly a messenger. 


Regardless of your age, sex, race, history, upbringing, or purity level, these pillars, if adopted by any society, would immediately improve and advance them. Muhammad (S) continues to remind believers through his devout commitment to God and reminds us that the Quran is a lifeline for success in this life and the life after. It contains miracles, lessons, and powers; uncorrupted for 1400+years.


These witness bands count as a charity by feeding the hungry, empowering organizations, enabling refugees, and serve as a reminder to find salvation through strife, self-accountability, and dependency on the Ultimate Creator and His plan.