One each double roll Farrow and Ball BP1925.  Free Shipping Priority Mail.  More Images available internet.  Nicer than photos appear. Very, very pretty, Exudes quality.

A charmed 19th century reproduction of an English cotton print.  Reflecting a delicate design motif with a hint of botanical.  Surprisingly playful and alluringly quirky. 

A bravely modern whilst, which cleverly retains a traditional and sophisticated quality. 

Rosslyn 1925    in    Charleston Gray No.243,   bespoke gold   &   Eating Room Red No.43     Farrow and Ball Colors

Full double roll width is 21" inches, roll length is 11 yards, pattern repeat is 16 1/2 inches    56 square feet total

Standard Double roll wallpaper size  56 Square Feet Total

The standard size of a SINGLE roll of wallpaper is 21 in. wide x 16.5 ft. long (Approx. sq 28 ft). The standard size of a DOUBLE roll of wallpaper is 21 in. wide x 33 ft. long (Approx. sq 56 ft)
5 Star eiviews

                                            Brand new, factory sealed, same batch/lot,   See my other papers listed, as well.            Buy Here Save $175.00

We always strongly suggest ordering samples of any papers that interest you for certainty purposes.                                            Zero inks/100% painted

Absolutely no returns, refunds or exchanges.            All sales are final.          Obtain a sample prior to purchase and be certain of your choice.

Samples are available from various internet websites at no cost.  Samples are shipped for free immediately.        $160.00 per 1 each double size roll 56 total sq ft

Limited Quantities     Message us where to find samples for free  (no credit cards needed)

F & B wallpapers are wipe-able and stain resistant.  Water based paints and paper sustainably managed. 

View my feedback, as well.  member eBay since 2008

    100% Authentic/Original            View Our Feedback Ratings           No Gimmicks            No Lies    Top Reputable Seller 

MSRP:  Farrow and Ball $325.00         F & B wallpapers are on Amazon $352.50                     Our Price:  $150.00       Save $175.00     Buy Here

View my other F & B wallpapers

           Absolutely no returns, refunds or exchanges.            All sales are final.          Obtain a sample prior to purchase and be certain of your choice.