Cs Elettronica Srl - Villaguardia 22029 (CO), Italy

USB 3.0 Dual Power Cable, Type A extension, Black, 1m LINDY 31113

USB 3.0 Dual Power Cable, Type A extension, Black, 1m LINDY 31113

USB 3.0 Dual Power Cable, Type A extension, Black, 1m LINDY 31113

For bus-powered USB devices with power consumption requirements of up to 1.4A USB 3.0 SuperSpeed interface for data transfer rates of up to 5Gbps

Can also be used with either USB 1.1 or USB 2.0 peripherals 2 x USB Type A Male (1 x USB 3.0, 1 x USB 2.0) to USB Type A Male

Fully shielded cable with moulded connectors

This USB dual power cable is perfect for connecting a PC to a bus-powered external USB device which has power consumption requirements up to 1.4A. It is ideal for use with USB 3.0 devices such as a USB 3.0 hard drive enclosure.

It features two USB Type A connectors, one of which is a USB 3.0 Type A, the other being USB 2.0. The USB 3.0 connection provides 900mA of current whilst allowing SuperSpeed data transfer rates of up to 5 Gbps, while the USB 2.0 connection provides up to 500mA power only.

The cable terminates in a Type A Female connector for connecting to your device.

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