code: E

an authentic, pre 30 BC, funerary figure from Ancient Egypt, a so called

 Shabti - Ushabti - Shawabti  

a glazed earthenware / Egyptian faience mummiform figure, showing, we would say, a 

wig and beard 

2 different tools - a hoe and a pick 

 on the back a pilar 

maybe standing on a pedestal 

this leads us to the thought it might be of the age / Egyptian period of the 

26th Dynasty up into the Ptolemaic Kingdom period, between / around 600 - 30 BC


please do know we are not specialists, we have determined the age with limited knowledge,

do judge the age / period more precise than 30BC for yourself


length: 9,5 cm / circa 3.7 inch 

weigth: circa 53 gr. 

condition: damaged - broken at the neck - crack visible

world wide shipping

- you will be ordering registrated shipment provided by PostNL from The Netherlands, EU

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- the costs differ per country, f.e:

Netherlands: 13euro (incl. 21%VAT)

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Other EU countries: between 19 and 27euro (incl. 21% VAT)

Out of the EU: 35euro


Advice: wait with your payment until you have received our invoice with the correct shipping costs


- combined shipment is not always possible, but we will try to do so

- weight categories of PostNL: 0-2 / 2-5 / 5-10 kg, including packing materials

- shipment out of the EU will be under Incoterm DAP and HS-code: 9706


we are:

delta 98 den haag

The Hague, The Netherlands, EU

registrated at the Chambers of Commerce, The Hague:

Kamer van Koophandel Haaglanden, file 27133335


VAT / BTW: the seller is subject to the Dutch/NL, EU sales tax called “Margin Scheme” (in Dutch: “BTW Margeregeling”), the seller’s tax number in The Netherlands, EU is: NL001190378B30