Women's Natural Zebra Jasper Bracelet

If you lead a very active & physical lifestyle, Zebra Jasper will increase your physical endurance & boost your physical energy.

The energies of this stone will also keep you centred & grounded... Jasper is a wonderful grounding stone & can help pull one’s scattered energies in to work where they are most needed.

With its beautiful black & white marbled stripes, Zebra Jasper holds energies of balance, which means that it can unite your masculine & feminine energies, your Yin & Yang.

These beautiful Zebra Jasper stones will also give you the confidence to pursue the desires of YOUR heart. No matter what other people say, you will go with what feels right to you & with this stone, you will have the confidence to do it YOUR way!

It will help you connect to Mother Earth whilst you do so & to the never-ending flow of universal love.


- Women's Standard Size 7" -

- Quality Beadsmith Elastic -

- As featured on Instagram @katauras -

Handmade with love & light

Kate x

Reiki Master

Owner of Katauras