Note]: The following are the parameters of the brushless motor,Light not include,thanks!

[vS] red line, drive voltage, DC +310V (220V AC connected to the rectifier bridge is 310V DC, it is best to add a 100uf/400V filter capacitor) This time the motor's wide voltage DC176V-375V, that is, with AC 110V-220V rectifier can be used.

[GND] black wire, all the negative side of the power supply and connected together.

【Vcc】white wire, working voltage, DC14-16V

Vsp】Yellow wire, speed control, 0-6.5VPWM speed control, the lower the voltage, the slower the speed.

The lower the voltage, the slower the speed, can be completely adjusted to stop

FG】Blue line, speed feedback

Note]: This motor is a 220V motor. Not to send 220V electricity.

The use of more simple: connected to the red and black wire.

Forward and reverse rotation can generate electricity.

Power generation is to send DC electricity.

Approximate parameters of power generation:

120 rpm: 9v

240 rpm: 18V

480 rpm: 36V

