This Natural Jute Scalloped rugs is a unique rug with the scallop pattern on the edges. Made with the hand braided technique, this cute rug can transform any space. Be it rustic, farmhouse, coastal or bohemian look, this rug is a must have. Available in variety of sizes, these scalloped rugs can also be made in custom size.

Made of 100% Jute
Natural Fiber, Eco Friendly

Braided Bohemian jute Rug Home Decor Rugs cotton meditation mat Indian Braided Handmade, Rag Rug, Jute Rug, Home Decoration Rug

This Rug adds a stylish edge to your living room, bedroom, or hallway without worrying about damage from high traffic.

Plan your home decor with this beautiful rug, handmade using sustainable material.

Return and Defect Policy: - if you are not satisfied with our product, you may return your order within 10- 15 days from the date of shipment received. The item must be returned in its original condition. Shipping charges are not refundable.

Care -
Natural Fibers are highly absorbent and should be cleaned regularly.
Vacuum regularly to prevent dirt from becoming trapped in the fibers.
Regularly vacuuming, rotation and occasional gentle shake will keep the rugs looking their best.
Avoid exposure to direct sunlight to prevent fading.